1. Knowledge Base
  2. For Artists
  3. Your Co:Create Artist Account

Adding Additional Information

Update booking processes, pricing and other information.

  1. Navigate to Account  and select Bio.
  2. Complete the Additional Information.  Here, you can provide the following information:
    1. Bio: This will be shown on your Artist page on the World's Best Artist List and is how you are introduced to Clients.  This important blurb is your "first impression" on CO:CREATE. 
    2. Portfolio: This allows you to add photos of your previous work to give our team and clients a better idea of your inquire style and to best match clients with you for their tattoo projects. Be sure to include a variety of photos such as healed images, in progress photos, sketches, and stencils.
    3. Videos: Videos display at the top of your profile, underneath your bio. While not required, they are a great way to further introduce yourself to artists through interviews, studio tours, and walkthroughs.
    4. FAQ's: FAQ’s are an opportunity to answer common questions clients may have about purchasing, scheduling, your tattoo process, and after care. FAQ’s provide clients with valuable knowledge and empower them to make informed purchases.



  1. Save your work when finished.