How do Custom Tattoos work on CO:CREATE?

A custom tattoo, otherwise known as a Custom Project, allows a potential client to submit a custom project inquiry for you to approve. Contact us at if you want to get set up with custom tattoos and learn more about reviewing and managing inquiries.
Configuring your Custom Form:
  1. Go to “My Account” and select “Custom Projects” from the dropdown menu.
  2. The Custom Projects page will display a preview of how your Custom Form will look on your profile page along with options for customization and pricing configuration.
Turning your Custom Form on and off:
  • You can turn your Custom Form on and off with the “Accepting Custom Projects” toggle at the top of this page.
  • You can change what your Custom Form says in the “Customization” section in the “Subheader” text field. You can also reset this text to the default copy.
Minimum Pricing:
  • You can display your pricing information for Custom Projects by turning on the toggle directly below the “Minimum Pricing” section
  • When Minimum Pricing is turned on, you must select either a “Project Minimum” or “Day Rate”. This is displayed to collectors when filling out the budget portion of your Custom Form.
Sharing your Custom Form:
  • You can copy a shareable link for your Custom Form at the bottom of the page to share across social media channels.