Digital Tattoo Regulations

Do not advertise that a collector can profit. Avoid any mention of collectors being able to profit from buying, holding, and reselling tattoos.
We do not want to encourage speculation of digital tattoos. We do not want to give collectors the impression that they can profit from reselling tattoos.  
You should only encourage collectors to buy tattoos only if they are genuinely interested in using that digital tattoo or enjoying or using the art created by the digital tattoo artists.
Do not imply there will be a market to resell tattoos.  While it is possible for collectors to resell digital tattoos, it is possible that no buyers will exist for these tattoos.  The resale market is intended to be very limited and only available to digital tattoo owners and collectors seeking to get inked.
Co:Create Ink is intended to connect tattoo collectors with many of the best tattoo artists in the world.  Digital tattoos may allow for a community to develop around the art that is digital tattoos and inked tattoos.  It is not intended to be a liquid marketplace and any opportunity to resell will be extremely limited. 
The purpose of digital tattoos is to expand the collector audience of participating tattoo artists, capture the amazing artwork as digital art NFTs and track the ownership, authenticity and redemption of digital tattoos. Within this community of artists and collectors, you should discourage buyers seeking to profit from resale of the digital tattoos.
You should never imply that a market for reselling digital tattoos will exist or that there is any guarantee that a collector will be able to sell their digital tattoos.  
There is a high risk that collectors will not be able to sell their tattoos, or may only be able to sell for significantly less than they purchased the tattoo for.

Do not promote speculating on tattoos. You would be in violation of your Founding Artist Agreement and the Platform Agreement.  You would be subject to action from us, including, but not limited to, termination from the Founding Artist Program and expulsion from the platform. Additionally, you may be liable for any damages that result from your actions, including but not limited to SEC fines and penalties.